The GPHG Academy, a success story !

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Geneva, Thursday 17 March 2022Now in its third year of existence, the GPHG Academy has over 650 members! Rapidly adopted by the watchmaking world, this vast network encompassing ambassadors of the passion for watchmaking is growing in number and skills to reinforce its role in highlighting the industry.

A success story in several respects, the GPHG Academy has become a valuable means of sharing and promoting watchmaking culture, while at the same time democratising the nomination and voting process.

The members of the Academy take part in the various stages of the competition: first of all, they are invited to propose timepieces for the competition; once the brands have made their entries, they select the nominated timepieces, then take part in a second vote in the autumn to determine the award-winners alongside the jury.

The Foundation is pleased to welcome the personalities who are joining the Academy this year and thanks all the members for their engagement and commitment to watchmaking.

As a reminder, the Jury, composed of 30 members of the Academy, meets in Geneva a few days before the ceremony, behind closed doors and under notarial supervision, in order to physically evaluate the nominated watches and to proceed with the choice of award winners by secret ballot. The result of the Academy’s vote is added to that of the Jury during this second round of voting.

As a strategic instrument for promoting the industry’s new products, the GPHG enables an international audience to follow the evolution of the art of watchmaking through a competition that culminates in the awards ceremony, of which the 22nd edition will take place on Thursday 10 November 2022.

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