Estimate your property

We work to ensure the success of your exceptional property project

Your needs

The valuation of your luxury property

To sell your property, it is essential to know its real value. As your ideal partner at every stage of your project, FGP Swiss & Alps offers you a comprehensive and personalised property valuation.

Thanks to our expertise in prestige properties – mansions, town houses, attics or chalets – we can guarantee you a sale price in line with the latest market trends, whether in Geneva, Switzerland or the French Alps.

Valuing an exceptional property is at the heart of our business

As experts in prestige properties, FGP Swiss & Alps is able to grasp all the subtleties of a sales project and its prior property valuation. Our team is here to listen to you and work alongside you to assess and value your property in the best possible conditions. Passionate about exceptional property, we fully understand the uniqueness of your property, above and beyond the technical data.

Estimating an exceptional property is at the heart of our expertise

As an expert in prestige real estate, FGP Swiss & Alps is able to appreciate all the subtleties of a sale project and its prior real estate valuation. Our team is here to listen to you and work alongside you to assess and value your property in the best possible conditions. Passionate about exceptional property, we fully understand the uniqueness of your property, above and beyond the technical data.

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A property valuation shows and highlights the potential of your property

In order to estimate the price of your property as accurately as possible, FGP Swiss & Alps uses a tried-and-tested method based on a detailed assessment of numerous criteria relating to the construction, land and environment of the property.

The intrinsic value of the property is systematically cross-referenced with data from the last properties sold. This expertise is enhanced by our experience in the field and our in-depth knowledge of potential clients, both in Switzerland and abroad.

However, exceptional properties require exceptional procedures: our valuations take into account the unique character of a property and highlight its assets to optimise the transaction.

“‘Selling a prestigious property means transmitting an emotional heritage. “

– FGP Swiss & Alps

From the moment you entrust your property to us, it becomes part of our collection of unique residences. Each property has a story to tell: our aim is to capture the attention and inspire the imagination of future buyers by highlighting the strengths of your property.

Whether it’s its character, its facilities or its distinctive location, these elements guide our development of a personalised strategy aimed at attracting qualified viewing requests. Have you chosen the right buyer for your property? Then our role is to help you pass on your property.